Friday, February 01, 2008

The ABC System for Prioritizing Projects

I keep a list of projects in my PDA, frequently updated (at the very least
once a week). When I started doing that after a while I found the length
of the list overwhelming - and a lot of it were things that I'd just like
to make progress on if I had extra time, but weren't that urgent. So now I
put a letter in front of each project name (which makes it sort the list
this way):

A: Top priority projects, must be significantly progressed *this week*.
Often need to be finished this week.

B: Projects that are a bit time sensitive, or important, but nothing bad
will happen if I don't make any progress this week.

C: Projects I would like to get done, but nothing bad would happen if I
didn't get to them in the next 4 months or so. Or else they are time
sensitive, but really unimportant so it would be ok to let it go. Should
keep next actions on the todo lists, but no worries if I don't get to the
todo item for a long time.

This is why frequently reviewing it is absolutely essential: B items can
become A items! Todo list items in my PDA can have a priority from 1-5. So
it's natural to associate 1 with A, etc. for the todo items associated
with a project.

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