Sunday, March 07, 2010

Dropbox: The Solution to Home-Work Sync?

This is a superneat utility that seems to solve a bunch of problems I've
been having:
It's basically a magic folder that exists mirrored on any number of
computers you want, and also can be accessed via the web, with 2 GB free
storage. I've tried it out for moving files between work and home (it's
windows, os X and linux compatible) and it's a big improvement over
having to plug in a USB key. It also worked well for sharing a bunch of
large photo files with a friend (although it took a little while for all
the files to show up, with no indicator that there were more to come).

1 comment:

Vanessa Davies said...

Great! Thanks for sharing! Sharing and carrying files is a major pain. I have been using, which creates a link to download the material. Unfortunately, the free version expires after a week. I recently ran in to a problem where my replacement on my radio show didn't download my link in time (despite my admonition and kind request) and was stuck with no material with which to cover my show. I also recently ran into a problem with USB sticks: not only do I lose them everywhere, but one I was using at the radio station actually had a trojan on it so I couldn't open it to access the pre-recorded material. argh. You just may have made my life oh so much simpler! Thanks, D.