Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mastering My Email REVISED

Since I wrote the post about Mastering Your Email, I've made a significant
change to my system. It's to do with that problematic email folder
Deferred, where I would put things that I couldn't deal with in a few
minutes. It kept getting bigger, and causing more subliminal anxiety.

I've eliminated that folder, in favour of *actually* dealing with every
item in my inbox as I process it. If it really is going to take more
effort, I add a to-do item for it. Which means I have to have my palm
pilot every time I process my email, which is a good thing. Sometimes the
email itself contains stuff that I will need for the to-do item, but not
afterwards (I would have no reason to file it away for reference). For
that I've created a folder called TS, for temporary support. (I also now
use this instead of Deferred for my harddrive system and physical paper

This has been a big improvement, because it now means that only my todo
lists have to be tamed and managed, and not the contents of Deferred as
well. It also means I decide what actual action needs to be taken as soon
as I encounter the email.

1 comment:

Jim Davies said...

Instead of having a special folder for helpful emails, what I do is in my todo I put the subject of the email. So it might be "Get back to daniel sub why isn't this done?"

If the support email's subject is "why isn't this done?" Since I use gmail, which allows me to search email, I just copy and paste the subject line from my todo list and it pops up. This way I don't have to go searching through the support folder.