Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Joy of Outboxes

I'm going to write a longer entry about the greatness of inboxes, but
something of immediate use is an outbox: a place you can immediately put
stuff in to be taken to the office, or from the office. The important
point is that it's got to be within arms reach. At work it's a plastic
tray, at home it's one side of the top of my dresser. When I leave either
location I automatically scoop what's in my outbox into my bag.

This works for the same reason as a lot of the things I've recently
adopted: it means I can act *immediately*, even thoughtlessly, when I
think of something I have to do - instead of making a mental note, which
a) often doesn't work and b) adds to stress as I have to keep reminding
myself over and over. Goes to my outbox, goes out of my head.


Anonymous said...

Was there ever a fly within arms reach that you tried to catch?

Anonymous said...

Forgetting about some really important things is a real kick-ass, yes. But - what if you forget about what you were trying to remember !?

D said...

I have to say, I don't understand either of these comments.

Are you the same person?