Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Never Wait

A condensed version of this article from a website about screenwriting,
and written by Terry Rossio (behind the scripts for movies such as Aladdin
and Pirates of the Carribbean).

You shouldn't wait.
Not for anything.
Commit these two words to heart, now:
Never wait.
Not only is life short, windows of opportunity are shorter.
What can you do about it?
Never wait.
Not only is life short, it's actually getting shorter.
Never wait.
Successful people don't wait. They don't get stalled on one step, one
issue, one project. They continuously go about the problem of creating
value. They're not interested in struggling and waiting, they're focused
on doing.

Waiting less isn't about becoming more intense, or rushed; it's about
finding an optimum flow. Look at the sky. That thing up there is a
continuously changing spectacular work of art, and it just doesn't get
enough attention. You're not waiting when you stop to smell the roses.

Waiting -- the innocent little sucker is a tiny little bundle of death.

Please don't be one of those writers who 'hope.'

Fuck hope.

I don't ever want to be a hopeful, I want to be a professional.

To have a career is like running a series of marathons end to end. You
can't thrill or despair every few yards; another few minutes and the
entire landscape will change completely, anyway.
Don't live on hope.
Hoping is way too much like waiting -- and you know the rule on that.

How to Take the Mystique out of Published Writing

Here's a trick to inspire you in writing: take some piece of writing that
looks impressive, such as a Nature article, use the text select tool
(assuming it's a pdf) and copy it into a Word document. Format it Times
New Roman double-spaced, 12 point. Suddenly your own prose doesn't sound
so far away from what the published professionals are writing. And it's
a good way to start the work of dissecting and reverse engineering a style
of article published in a specific publication so you can get in there

I first figured this out when I started writing articles for the arts
section of the student newspaper. I would email them in, and then I'd be
startled to see how authoritative they looked when beautifully set out in
Quark XPress and printed on newsprint. I remember shortly thereafter
reading a Globe and Mail arts article, I believe it was a review of Stuart
Little 2, and mentally transposing it back into an email from its neat 1
1/2 inch column. It was some badly written, weak-ass crap! I was greatly

Saturday, November 08, 2008

The Minimum You Need to Know about Negotiation

I recently sold my old iPod shuffle online, and when I went to meet the
purchaser I was all set to show her the unit and discuss price, but she
met me with an outstretch hand containing the money. I was prepared to
negotiate, so I was surprised and thought this was a tactical error on her
part. But I think I understand.

Of course there are lots of reasons why she might not have wanted to get
into it. But one reason is that she might have thought like I used to
think about negotiation: that it is some kind of begging, or
favour-asking. Since I read this book, The Mind and Heart of the
Negotiator by Leigh L. Thompson - the book which may turn out at the end
of my life to have benefitted me in measurable, monetary terms more than
any other book - I now know that negotiation is just rightful exercise of
your real power. And that is the power to walk away. (if you absolutely
can't walk away, if you *have* to make a deal right then and there no
matter how bad it is for you, then it's not a negotiation, and all you've
got is begging or asking for a favour)

A negotiation actually benefits both partners, because a failed
negotiation means both people lose out. If she had held out for a lower
price money, I would have either had to go with it or walk all the way
back to my office with no more money and maybe wait another few months for
someone else to respond to my ad. Much better to have the money in hand.
So that's power that she had.

The major way to increase your power in a negotiation is with information,
in particular negotiation about alternatives to making this agreement.
Nowadays with the internet this is very easy. So I sold it to her for $35
- I did a quick search on apple store and found you can buy a brand new
second-gen iPod shuffle for $55 directly from them, under warranty,
shipping in 1-2 days. She could have pulled out that fact to explain why
she needed a lower price from me to make it worth her while. That's what I
did, successfully, when negotiating for my replacement to that iPod
Shuffle (though I was foiled, as I talk about later) Doing that kind of
research is called finding a Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement

Also thinking about the other person's BATNA could help. She must have
noticed I'd been listing it for over 6 months. At this point my
alternatives were to keep it for myself as an inadequate backup in case my
nano ever broke, or giving it to a lower-tech friend for free as a
present. So I might have been willing to go down as low as $15. But it was
important that she not know that.

That value of $15 was what is known as my reservation price, the price
below which it makes sense for me to walk away. As you can see it comes
directly out of my BATNA. So these are the theoretical dynamics of
negotiation: Both parties have a reservation price, which is unknown to
the other. They go back and forth making offers until the price falls
within the zone between their reservation prices, at which point they make
a deal (if there is no zone like that, the deal fails). Both parties
benefit, no one is being exploited. The game consists of trying to pick a
price that is in that acceptable range, but as close to the other person's
reservation price as possible. That's why you should never reveal your
reservation price, the absolute most you're willing to pay for something
or least you're willing to give it away for. My buyer made that mistake
when she wrote in her email, "I can pay $35, I can't go any higher!!"
Assuming that really was her reservation price, I was happy to have it. So
figure out your own reservation price going into it, but don't reveal it.

Making offers and counteroffers is the only real move in a negotiation;
the rest should probably be ignored. For instance people may whine and
moan about how much they paid for the thing they are selling - that
doesn't matter unless they make a counteroffer. Also saying "that's my
final offer" should probably be taken lightly, just go ahead and make your
counter offer. Never make a concession, a second offer, until the other
person has responded to your most recent offer. The Thompson book says
that studies have concluded that the person who makes the first offer does
not have any consistent advantage - unless the other person makes the
mistake of using that as their primary information about how much it's
worth. I think that's what happened with my buyer: I just checked my
facebook listing, and it was for $50, which was even more optimistic than
I realized. She thought knocking off $15 was a good deal, whereas I
probably would have gone for knocking off $35 (though I wouldn't have been
happy about it). Go for the absolute price, not how much off (though of
course I make that mistake all the time at the supermarket)

Something you can do to increase your power in a negotiation is to improve
your Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement. Besides finding out more
information, you can also start discussions with other people about how
much they're willing to give you. That's why you sometimes hear about
actors lining up offers for movies they don't really intend to do, just to
get into a better negotiating position to demand more money for the movie
they really want to do.

Another way to help your negotiation, for both parties, is to throw in as
many extra issues as possible, especially ones that matter more to one
party than to the other. For instance, if she was having trouble making up
her mind about a particular price, I was prepared to bring out the iPod
protective cover I had and add it to the deal. It would be almost
worthless to me no longer owning the iPod, but potentially valuable to
her. So if she then went for it, we would both win. The book uses the
example of negotiating for a salary, throwing in as many things as you
can. For instance vacation time might be something that is not too costly
to the company, but very valuable to you. Be creative in brainstorm as
many extra dimensions to the deal as possible.

You're probably thinking about how there are ways you can be dishonest in
your negotiation, particularly with regard to your reservation price,
pretending it's lower or higher than it is and not accepting an offer in
that zone of acceptability. And this was my other big misconception about
negotiation, that it was all about trickery and outsmarting the other
person. Almost every single negotiation I've seen in a movie or on tv
falls into that category. But in practice almost all of the thousands of
negotiations that happen each day are in good faith. The book explicitly
cautions you against trying to be sneaky, saying that it very often
backfires and you should concentrate on properly exercising your real

The number one thing Ilearned through trial and error after I read this
book and was fired up about negotiating was *never negotiate unless the
other person is in a position to make a binding agreement*. Not a verbal
agreement. In practice, that means either negotiating right at the point
of making the exchange, or where some kind of legally enforceable contract
can be authenticated. I learned this when I was negotiating for an iPod
nano via facebook messaging. The seller bitched and complained but agreed
to the price. Then I never heard back from him. This happened again when I
negotiated for a whiteboard for the lab over the phone with what turned
out to be the teenage daughter of the owner of the laundromat, who refused
to give it to me for that price when I turned up to claim it. Another
important lesson: never make the mistake of negotiating with someone who
doesn't have the decision-making power. All this doesn't mean you
shouldn't communicate with the person before you start the real
negotiation - in fact depending on how big a one it is, it's a great idea
to build rapport and learn as much about them as possible. The important
thing is to not make any concessions before the negotiation begins, and
try not reveal anything that could help them guess about your own
reservation price. Which can take many tricky forms, but in particular
avoid revealing: how bad you want it, time limitations, what your
alternatives consist of. (of couse all the better if you can find out that
information about them) Best to be opaque and general when the
conversation verges on the deal itself, though enthusiastic about the
prospect of the deal.

Since it is not at all inherently dishonest, I think it always makes sense
to try to negotiate, unless there's a strict rule against it. Especially
for things that you're inclined not to buy because they seem overpriced.
You can always say, honestly, it's not worth it for me at that price, but
I'll give you X dollars right now for it. Now I'm surprised when people
aren't willing to negotiate: did you really list as your first offer your
final offer? Don't you have any optimism that people might pay more than
the absolute minimum price you're willing to sell it for? (have you
noticed that in this country, explicit negotiation is mostly only part of the
daily lives of people on the very low end of the socioeconomic status scale, drug dealers and other underground economies, and the very high end, CEOs and movie stars and
government ministers? Could it be that disdain for negotiation,
considering it not respectable, is a uniquely middle class phenomenon?)

Of course there are going to be cases where for whatever reason you don't
negotiate as hard as you could, that is, you refrain from exercising all
the power you have. One last tip I heard which makes a lot of sense: if
you can possibly get someone else to negotiate on your behalf (i.e. an
agent), that's better. Even though you're perfectly within your rights,
you could imagine some lingering frustration from them over not getting
the price they first wanted, and I can see how that would be best directed
at someone else if you're going to keep working with that party.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Mark B. Kristal's Suggestions for a Basic Research Career

It's rare that I encounter advice that's pitched at exactly the right
level for where I'm at in my life/career. This is such advice, and struck
me as excellent.

Here are the best bits that I took away from it, in case this is taken


* Establish an independent line of research as early in your career as
possible. If you can, do so even as a graduate student. Avoid the graduate
student's trap of thinking up experiments in other researchers' programs
that the other researcher has missed. Of course these are useful studies,
but do not form the basis of one's own independent line of research.
* Be problem-oriented, not technique-oriented. Use a variety of
methods, and orientations -- whichever are necessary to solve the problems
at hand. Remember, technology comes and goes, but the underlying
questions are the meat of research. It is depressing to go to poster
sessions at the big conferences year after year and see the same questions
being asked over and over with different, more .cutting edge. techniques,
presented by people enamored of the techniques rather than the research
problems. If technology is so costly, in terms of equipment, learning
time, and other resources, how does one avoid the trap of becoming
technique oriented? The answer: collaborate.
* Think beyond the next publication, or even the next grant proposal. Take
the long view; look at the big picture. In other words, bite off a piece
of question that may take a decade, or even a career to answer. There is a
major difference between the scientist that wonders how to break the
question into appropriate sized grant proposals, and one who wonders how
to expand the question into a grant proposal. Furthermore, commit yourself
to your question; given the time and energy it takes to answer an
appropriate sized research question, pursuing a series of unrelated
research questions in parallel rather than in series is often a sign of
* If you do basic research, keep your eyes open for applications of your
* Don't expect answers; expect more questions. Daniel Lehrman used to tell
us that a good experiment will raise more questions than it answers.
Perhaps non-scientists find this aspect of science strangely frustrating.
However, the lack of a final solution distinguishes the scientist's quest
from the engineer's.
* Never stop asking questions.
* Choose a problem that excites you. It should excite you so much that you
can't sleep. It should excite you so much that when someone asks you the
time, you blurt out your research topic.
* Strive for elegance in research. The elegance of an experiment is in
the quality of the thinking and the cleverness of the approach to
answering the research question, not in the complexity of the design or
the sophistication of the methods. Often, the most elegant experiments are
simple, low-tech attacks at the heart of the problem. Study classic
research in your field and appreciate the logic and thought that went into
it. All too often students nowadays ignore older research because it isn't
available online, or dismiss it for using old-fashioned techniques. There
is much wisdom and cleverness in some of those old papers. Reading them,
learning from them, and citing them, is real scholarship.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Work Break Programs

I have trouble remembering to take breaks and adjust my posture etc while
I'm working on the computer. Fortunately there are lots of programs that
can help with that. I'm currently using a simple, free, unobtrusive one in
the office called Big Stretch:

but there are many, many options for PC, both commercial and not. As usual
the options are a little more limited for the mac, but I found a nice one
called Coffee Break Pro X, which is both easy to use and full of smart
features and customization options - for instance it can actually lock
down your screen for a period of time to force you to take a break.

It costs $20 to buy it, but I found it to be worth it.